MANDATORY (the “stuff” they MAKE you do)

Payroll: OK, fine. You’re not actually required by any bumbling governmental bureaucracy to outsource your payroll. Still, our extensive experience has consistently shown that if you don’t actually pay your employees in an accurate and timely manner, they – rather quickly! – become former (and disgruntled) employees … Oh, and if you’re a day late or a dollar short in remitting your payroll taxes, it’s “Back on the Chain Gang” for you!

State Disability Benefits: Several states (and one commonwealth) require employers to provide disability insurance. These programs are funded by a combination of mandated “contributions” by employers and their employees, the details for which differ from state to state. These laws generally do not require employers make these contributions to the state fund. In fact, getting these from the state typically costs more, provides for worse claim services, and – adding insult to injury (if you’ll forgive the pun) – often results in higher taxes on the benefits the employee receives.

Workers’ Compensation: Provides wage replacement and certain medical benefits to employees that are injured in the course of employment. With a “pay as you go” solution seamlessly integrated you’re your payroll process, you improve cash flow by eliminating over-sized down payments and reducing or eliminating the dreaded end-of-year audits that result in the unpleasant surprise of owing additional premiums.

ERISA Compliance: The EBSA (they’re the Department of Labor’s officially sanctioned shakedown operation) estimates that they raked in $1,172,108,000 – most of it from unsuspecting businesses like yours. Can’t you just picture Dr. Evil – with his pinkie in his mouth – demanding “One BILLION dollars”? Worse, these fine upstanding civil servants and guardians of the realm responded to more than a quarter of a million participant inquiries, conducted 3,674 civil investigations, and tacked on an additional 320 criminal investigations! To summarize their 49 page Congressional Budget Justification in 4 words: “We’re coming for YOU!” Are you absolutely certain you’re in compliance? After all – that’s a nice little business you have there. It’d be a real shame if something were to happen to it; know what I mean? We can arrange for a pain-free plan to take care of your required communications, forms, and record keeping – so you don’t have to.

FMLA (Family and Medical Leave Act): Provides employees who are eligible up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave and job protection to take care of a sick family member.

COBRA (Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act): Federal law that allows you and your immediate family to stay on employed-sponsored health plan if you lose your job or the employee should die.

benefEx’s mission is to bring freedom of choice back to employee benefits and healthcare.  With the ever-changing laws in healthcare, we take a collaborative approach; working with you and your employees to build a lasting relationship based on trust and respect.

We reward our clients by saving them on their benefits, while improving their cash flow, profitability, and employee morale.  We make measurable improvements for a select number of clients – which is why we are picky when it comes to who we choose to work with.